Category: en

  • Hasartmänguvõistlused ja kasiinoturniirid Eestis: Nende ülevaade ja populaarsus

    Hasartmänguvõistlused ja kasiinoturniirid Eestis: Nende ülevaade ja populaarsus

    Hasartmänguvõistlused ja kasiinoturniirid on osa kirevast ja põnevast hasartmängumaailmast, mis on Eestis viimastel aastatel järjest populaarsemaks muutunud. Käesolevas essees uurime, kuidas need võistlused Eestis toimivad, kes on keskmine mängija ning kui populaarsed need tegelikult on. Kuidas hasartmänguvõistlused ja kasiinoturniirid Eestis toimivad? Hasartmänguvõistlused ja kasiinoturniirid toimuvad peamiselt kasiinodes ja pokkeriklubides üle Eesti. Need võistlused hõlmavad erinevaid…

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  • Selected works

    Selected works

    for 2019. Estonian Composers’ Union received over 500 submissions in total, of which 99 works were selected for performance. ISCM WMD in Estonia aims to introduce contemporary music and the extremely diverse forms of its manifestation. The festival mainly focuses on choral music in its various expressions of genre and style. On the other hand,…

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  • Horizon


    ALFRED MOMOTENKO-LEVITSKY (b. 1970, Russia) / Text: Boris Pasternak “На cтрастной” / “Still Darkness” from diptych “Doktor Zhivago” (2017, Estonian premiere) RÓSA LIND PAGE (b. 1967, Australia) “Horizon” for mixed choir and hand drum (2018) JUG K. MARKOVIĆ (b. 1987, Serbia) / Text: after a poem by Vladislav Petković Dis “Nirvana” for mixed choir (2017) ANDRIS DZENĪTIS (b. 1978, Latvia)…

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  • Best Estonian classical music premiere

    Best Estonian classical music premiere

    Wednesday, May 1 2019 18:00 Design and Architecture gallery Exhibition Opening: Music Machines Installations by Karl F. Gerber, Samu Gryllus, Ana Horvat, Claudia Molitor Curator Raul Keller Thursday, May 2 2019 18:00 Intersection of Hobujaama Street and Narva highway Festival Opening. Through the Forest of Songs Composers, authors of the concept: Timo Steiner,  Sander Mölder Choreographer and stage…

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  • Exhibition Opening: Music Machines

    Exhibition Opening: Music Machines

    Exhibition Opening: Music Machines Design and Architecture gallery Venue info + map Free entrance Installations by KARL F. GERBER, SAMU GRYLLUS, ANA HORVAT, CLAUDIA MOLITOR SAMU GRYLLUS (b. 1976, Hungary) “ANSaw”, interactive installation with headphone, in cooperation with Krisztián Kertész ANA HORVAT (b. 1985, Croatia) “Music Score” CLAUDIA MOLITOR (b. 1974, United Kingdom) “Auricularis superior” KARL F. GERBER (b. 1954,…

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